caring for our community
Stroll through our 26,000 square feet of space for a calming and uplifting experience.
Our hours have not changed. We are open daily from 10AM to 5PM and 10AM to 8PM on Tuesdays. Purchase tickets online or in-person on the day of your visit at the museum.

health & safety precautions
Updated as of MARCh 12, 2022
We have made changes to our daily operations. While exposure to COVID-19 is an inherent risk in any public location where people are present and we cannot guarantee you will not be exposed during your visit, we are taking many precautions designed to protect the health of our visitors, staff and volunteers. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us work to keep you and our community safe.
Masks are optional for all visitors
Allow 6 feet of distance between others
Frequent and thorough sanitation by staff
1) If you were planning to visit the museum but are ill or experiencing any known symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home and allow yourself to get well.
2) We ask you to use discretion and judgment about visiting the museum, or any public place, based on your own health circumstances and risk factors.
3) Effective Saturday, March 12, 2022 masks are optional for all visitors, including on group tours and in the classrooms.
4) Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
5) If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. Touch-less hand sanitizer dispensers can be found throughout the museum.
6) Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
7) Please always allow for 6 feet of distance between yourself and others.
8) Please follow the posted occupancy limits found within the museum.
9) The Canyon cafe is now open! Learn more and see the menu on our Dining page.
10) Families can enjoy our self-directed family activity guide that allows for interactive learning within our galleries. Find out more at the admissions desk.
1) The James Museum has ample space to allow for social distancing with over 26,000 square feet of public space.
2) Our Visitor Services staff is monitoring each space and will assist visitors if an area of the museum exceeds it’s occupancy limit.
3) Our programs are designed to allow for appropriate social distancing and contact-free interactions. All art supplies, equipment and furniture will be disinfected before and after use.
1) In accordance with the CDC and OSHA, our housekeeping and facilities staff have adopted a continuous cleaning schedule. All commonly touched surfaces are disinfected throughout the day.
2) Our Visitor Services staff will disinfect commonly touched areas before and after each transaction at the admissions desk and in the museum shop.
3) We use a hospital-grade, EPA approved disinfectant cleaner.
4) Our high-quality ventilation system is a state-of-the-art double filtered, hospital-grade system. It changes air at the rate of 5, 500 cubic feet per minute (CFM). The filters were cleaned prior to reopening and will continue to be maintained above standards.
5) Our restrooms are equipped with touch-free sinks and toilets to allow for limited contact.
1) The museum is available for private event rentals, such as weddings and meetings. We currently are able to host events with up to 330 guests and are hopeful to return to full space capacities when conditions allow us to do so. If you have booked an event that cannot be held due to local and state guidelines, or if museum policies on capacities do not allow for your event to take place, you may reschedule your event or receive a refund.
2) We have an exciting calendar of in-person and virtual programming this year. Check out our calendar of events to learn more.
Calendar of Events