School & Teacher Programs
School GROUP Tours
Bring your students to the James Museum, where they will experience the stories of the American West through art. See works from Native American and non-native artists who honor the beauty of the landscape and bring to life the gritty history and exciting tales found west of the Mississippi.
For more information, contact Ashley Kinkel-Ellington, Education & Public Programs Associate, at 727.892.4200 ext. 1011 or
School tour selections
At The James Museum, there is time to look around, wonder plenty, and enjoy a lively conversation with your students. Choose from one of the grade appropriate tours below or plan your own with the help of a museum educator. Our knowledgeable docents lead all tours. We will send planning materials, including pre- and post-visit activities and safety protocols, once your tour is confirmed. Click on each drop down arrow below for more information about the tour.
Shonto Begay, Composing My World (detail)
Children are invited to build a connection between the artwork they see in a museum and their everyday lives. Students look at paintings and sculptures (bigger than their biggest book) and compare them to experiences that are familiar to them. Stories and in-gallery art manipulatives complete the connection.
Tour duration: 60 min.
- To see the connection between artists and picture book illustrators
- To deepen student understanding of the role that artists play in daily life
- To develop and use visual vocabulary that includes words to compare different works of art
- To begin the process of building a personal visual strategy by asking questions that allow children to wonder about what they see
- To learn museum etiquette
- Connection between artists and illustrators
- Use of visual art vocabulary
- Personal visual strategy
- Museum etiquette
Florida Education Standards
VA.K.H.1.1 | VA.K.H.1.2 | VA.K.H.1.3
VA.K.H.2.3 | LAFS.K.RL.3.7 | LAFS.K.RI.2.6
LAFS.K.SL.1.1 | LAFS.K.SL.1.2 | VA.1.C.1.2
VA.1.C.2.1 | VA1.S.1.4 | VA1.S.3.2
VA.1.H.2.3 | VA.1.H.3.1 | LAFS.1.RI.3.9
LAFS.1.SL.1.1 | LAFS.1.SL.1.3 | LAFS.1.L.3.5
Henry Balink, Portrait of an Indian Chief (detail)
Students learn how artists communicate ideas about culture and historical events through their work. This tour focuses on the cultures of Native tribes who lived west of the Mississippi, and the impacts on them as settlers arrived in the West. Use of proper art vocabulary and identification of basic elements of art -line, shape, color and texture are emphasized. Armed with a viewfinder, students look closely for cultural clues in their search for information about Native Americans, pioneers, and immigrants.
Tour duration: 90 min.
- To identify cultural differences in Native American tribes who live in the West
- To comprehend the effects of immigrants and settlers on Native Americans living in the West
- To recognize how the elements of art are used in a painting or sculpture to express ideas
- To communicate using a visual art vocabulary
- To learn museum etiquette
- Cultural identity of Navajo, Tlingit, Lakota Sioux, and Santa Clara Pueblo Indians
- The role of bison in Plains Indians cultures and how it changed as immigrants arrived in the West
- The ongoing role of celebration in Native culture
- The use of elements in different styles, time periods and cultures
- The use of elements of art in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional art works
- How artists use realistic and abstract elements to express the same ideas
- Museum etiquette
Florida Education Standards
VA.2.C.1.1 | VA.2.C.3.1 | VA.2.S.1.3
VA.2.S.1.4 | VA.2.H.1.1 | VA.2.H.1.2
VA.2.H.2.1 | SS.2.A.2.1 | SS.2.A.2.2
SS.2.A.2.3 | SS.2.E.1.1 | LAFS.2.SL.1.1
LAFS.2.SL.1.2 | LAFS.2.SL.1.3
Jason Rich, A Western Heritage (detail)
What drew artists to the Wild West? How did artists reflect what they saw? How do they honor individuals and other cultures in their work? Students will visit the Native Life, Native Artists and the Frontier Galleries to answer these questions looking closely at one piece of art in each gallery. A writing activity is included.
Tour duration: 90 min.
- To see the geography and history of the Western U.S. through the eyes of artists
- To learn how artists use different techniques to express styles and subjects
- To understand how artists contribute to the documents that help us to understand the past
- To communicate using a visual art vocabulary
- To practice museum etiquette
- To write a reflective or opinion piece using visual vocabulary to describe an individual who is honored in an artwork
- Art as geography and history
- Characteristics and elements of art used to express subject matter and different styles
- Definition of art terms
- Art as documents that reflect the past
- Methods of viewing art
- Museum etiquette
Florida Education Standards
VA.3.C.3.2 | VA.3.S.1.4 | VA.3.H.1.1,2
VA.3.H.2.1, 3.1 | SS.3.G.2.6 | SS.G.3.1
SS.3.G.4.1,2 | SS.3.G.4.4 | LAFS.3.W.2.4
LAFS.3.SL.1.3 | LAFS.3.L.3.5 | VA.4.C.1.2
VA.4.C.3.1 | VA.4.C.3.3 | VA.4.S.1.4
VA. | VA.4.H.1.1 | VA.4.H.1.3
VA.4.H.2.1 | VA.4.H.2.3 | LAFS.4.W.1.1
Robert Griffing, Another Broken Treaty (detail)
On this tour, the works of Native and non-Native artists expose students to the Western territory during the years of Westward Expansion. Students will study painting and sculpture from this era, using verbal and written responses to describe, analyze and interpret the artwork.
Tour duration: 90 min.
- To build observation and interpretation skills by looking at painting and sculpture
- To discover how artists are inspired by stories from the past, and what art can teach us about the past
- To connect art to history as an example of a historical record
- To discuss elements of the narrative technique that 20th century artists used to convey 19th century stories
- To analyze works of art using accurate art vocabulary
- To build skills that enable independent art appreciation
- Observation and interpretation skills
- How artists use elements of art to convey a storyline, or mood and develop characters
- How discussion, sketching, and writing deepens our appreciation of art
- Art as an historical record
Florida Education Standards
VA.5.C.1.2 | VA.5.C.3.2,3 | VA.5.S.1.4
VA5.H.1.1,2,3,4 | VA.5.H.2.1,2,3 | VA.5.H.3.1
LAFS.5.W.1.1 | LAFS.5.SL.1.1
LAFS.5.SL.1.3 | VA.68.H.1.2 | VA.68.S.1.4
SS.8.A.4.1,3,4,5,6,8, | SS.8.A.4.In.p,a,c,d,
LAFS.6.W.1.1 | LAFS.6.SL.1.1 | LAFS.6.SL.1.3
Paul Pletka, Red Talkers (detail)
The James collection documents many significant events related to the American Westward expansion. This tour combines a careful look at how artists have recorded these events with conversations about their significance to American history. Docent presentation includes sharing documents and written works about the events.
Tour duration: 90 min.
- To interpret an historical event when presented as a work of art
- To discuss the power of visual arts to document moments in history
- To examine the impact of an artist’s perspective on our own perspective
- To build skills that enable independent art appreciation
- How art documents history and culture
- How art helps people to interpret events from the past
- Definition of art terms related to works seen during the tour
- How to discuss an artist’s portrayal of history while using a visual vocabulary
- Mountain Men Rendezvous, Navajo Long Walk, Captain Murie’s Pawnees, Wild Bill Hickok’s last game, Bison hunting, Lewis and Clark Expedition. Contact the Education department for a full list
Florida Education Standards
VA.912.H.1.In.a,b | VA.912.H.1.Su.a,b
VA.912.H.1.1,2 | VA.912.H.1.Pa.a,b
VA.912.H.2.3,5 | SS.912.H